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Buy Used Pianos

Want to buy a piano but have limited budget? Learn the correct touch & tone of a piano with a quality secondhand set! Save cost and learn correctly at the same time. It's a win-win!

Best secondhand pianos in the market:

Premium Yamaha U1 Piano Handpicked AAAAA Top Quality Refurbished.png

Yamaha U1 Upright Piano (Refurbished)

AAAAA Top Quality

  • 48” height and 59” width (smaller in size, easier to fit in furnishings around piano)

  • 100% Made & Refurbished in Japan

  • Suited for small rooms (e.g., average-sized living rooms, smaller classrooms, practice rooms)

  • Sound quality not as prominent, sound clarity not as prominent

  • Cheaper than U1; cost-effective option for the price point

Kawai piano upright US60.jpg

Premium Kawai US60 Upright Piano (Refurbished) AAAAA Top Quality

  • 100% Made & Refurbished in Japan

  • One of the longest strings for upright pianos

  • Warm & mellow tone compared to Yamaha

  • Sensitive and responsive to touch

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Yamaha U3 Upright Piano (Refurbished)

AAAAA Top Quality

  • 52” tall and 59” wide (taller in size, might be harder to fit in furnishings around piano)

  • 100% Made & Refurbished in Japan

  • Suited for bigger size rooms (able to fill larger space with sound)

  • Rich & powerful bass sound

  • More prominent sound quality

  • More costly than U1​



Premium Kawai BL71 Upright Piano (Refurbished) AAAAA Top Quality

  • 100% Made & Refurbished in Japan

  • Taller, more grand piano feel & sound compared to US60 

  • Warm & mellow tone compared to Yamaha

  • Sensitive and responsive to touch



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